Greg Peterson, known as Machinery Pete, has built a network of 1,100 auction firms, 600 ag lenders, 2,000 implement dealers, and hundreds of thousands of farmers worldwide. Since 1989, Machinery Pete has compiled more than 1.5 million auction prices on all types of used farm and construction equipment sold throughout North America.
MachineryPete.com is the fastest-growing website marketplace for buyers and sellers of used equipment with 6M+ page views/mo. and 130,000 equipment listings for sale from dealers, auction firms, and private farmer sellers.
Peterson is the multimedia expert on used equipment values for Farm Journal, including print and broadcast. He appears every Monday on AgriTalk radio and AgDay TV. In 2013, Machinery Pete launched a weekly 30-minute Machinery Pete TV show on RFD-TV. Now in its ninth season, Machinery Pete TV has a new show airing every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. CST and repeats each Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. CST on RFD-TV as well as more than 50+ affiliate TV stations across the country.
Machinery Pete has more than 300,000 social media followers across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. His YouTube videos were watched more than 66M minutes in the past 2 years!
A widely sought-out speaker, Peterson regularly presents to farmers, dealers, auctioneers, and investor audiences
Video Clips
Machinery Pete Used Equipment Market Update
Machinery Pete will discuss the latest trends across the new and used farm equipment market based on the auction sale price data he has been compiling on all types of equipment for 33+ years throughout North America.