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Alan Zimmerman

Dr. Alan Zimmerman, CSP, CPAE

Transforming the people side of business through positive relationship-building communication skills. Valuable content with immediate applicability, active audience involvement, real results.

Price icon An icon of a dollar sign, signifying price

Price range

  • $7,000 - $12,000
Expert icon An icon of a lightbulb, signifying expert


  • Attitude
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Life Balance
  • Motivation
  • Peak Performance
  • Personal Development
  • Teamwork/Teambuilding
Experience icon An icon of a gear, signifying experience


  • Associations
  • Corporate
Career icon An icon of a microphone, signifying career


  • 40 Years
  • About

    At the age of 7, Alan Zimmerman was selling greeting cards door-to-door.  By age 14, he owned a small international import business.  By age 21, he was teaching at the University of Minnesota, and during the next 15 years, he was selected as the “Outstanding Faculty Member” by three different universities. 

    At age 36, our speaker retired from teaching and opened his own speaking and training company.  That position has allowed him to deliver more than 2000 programs, in 49 states and 22 countries, maintaining a 92% repeat and referral business. 

    Of course, you may already be familiar with Dr. Zimmerman.  You may have seen him on CNN or on the CBS Morning Show.  And you may have read his books, which have been featured on TV shows across the country. 

    When you hire Dr. Zimmerman, you can expect a powerful, practical program that really works.  A program heavy on content, big on audience involvement, and strong on results.  That’s why he has been inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame, an honor that has only been given to a few people in the last 30 years – including President Ronald Reagan, General Colin Powell, and best-selling author Dr. Ken Blanchard. 

    On the personal side, Alan Zimmerman is a husband, a father, a biker and a hiker … who has explored everything from the jungles of Thailand to the cold chill of the Arctic Circle. 

  • Video Clips
  • Topics

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Humorous | Motivational

    In today’s tough business environment, it takes more than product knowledge, technical competency, or social media contacts to be successful.  Professional knowledge and organizational contacts can become obsolete with the next change in technology or shift in organizational structure.

    Success in today’s world requires an extraordinary amount of raw people skills.  You’ve got to know how to start and build relationships… on and off the job. And you’ve got to know how to work with others… so teamwork becomes a reality rather than a buzzword.

    In this fast-moving, high-involvement keynote presentation, you will gain powerful insights to help you communicate more effectively, build relationships more easily, and get the cooperation of others more quickly. Plus, you’ll learn quick and effective strategies for defusing conflict so your partnerships don’t fall apart, even under stress and pressure.


    • Develop instant rapport that magnetically pulls people towards you
    • Answer the age-old question of “How do I get others to do what I want them to do?”
    • Turn your negative “naysaying” team members into positive “We can do it” team members
    • Effectively resolve the conflicts that inevitably pop up in any interpersonal situation
    • Motivate others with meaningful recognition that doesn’t break your budget

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Humorous | Motivational

    Leadership has little or nothing to do with your title or your position. But it has everything to do with your ability to influence and bring out the best in others.

    And it doesn’t matter if you’re a senior executive, manager, supervisor, team leader, individual contributor, or even a parent. If you influence other people in any way, you are a leader.

    The question is: are you as effective as you’d like to be? Are you getting the results you want with other people?

    With 4C Leadership, you will! You will develop an emotionally intelligent take-charge attitude that shows respect and builds trust. You will turn on the other person’s motivation and cooperation. You will deploy the communication skills that engage others, inspire peak performance, and encourage positive change. And you will extinguish any lingering negativity in the workplace.

    Unlike other programs that focus on academic theory, the latest flavor-of-the-month, or fluffy psychobabble, 4C Leadership focuses on practical tools you will implement right away to get better results – right now. You’ll make it happen with tested, proven strategies that motivate the best in other people.

    And unlike other programs, this will not be a boring, good-luck-here’s-your-manual cookie-cutter rehash. Expect a fresh, relevant, enjoyable, and engaging learning experience. Go back to work energized, ready to go and ready to lead, more effectively than ever.


    • Turn negative resistance into positive response
    • Foster ownership and accountability for desired results
    • Build a climate of trust and respect where people flourish
    • Avoid words and actions that defeat and demotivate others
    • Generate enthusiasm that survives even the toughest times
    • Deploy strategies than that influence others to cooperate and change
    • Deliver feedback that promotes excellence rather than “good enough”

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Humorous | Motivational

    The top achievers. The peak performers. The super happy. The ultra-successful. How do they do it? Are they just lucky? Or do they have an inside track and special connections?  Sure-a few people get lucky breaks, and others have the right connections. However, the vast majority of highly successful people are those who have learned how to up their attitude and make it work for them. And, as a result, they get the biggest and best payoffs on and off the job.

    Indeed, the research shows you’re several times more likely to succeed, and succeed big, if you are emotionally intelligent… equipped with soft skills and empowering attitudes. And that is precisely what you will learn and master in this life-changing program.

    With the 6 Secrets revealed in this program, you will breeze through your biggest challenges with confidence and ease. You will deliver on your personal and organizational goals, on time, with competence, and without excuse. You will put meaningful purpose into your work, contagious enthusiasm into your life, and constructive get-ahead risk into your decisions.  But please be warned. This is not a sit-back-and-listen type of lecture. This is a highly interactive program with a strong emphasis on practical skills that really work. So you’ll actually use the skills during the program to ensure your use of the skills after the program…on the job as well as at home.


    • Work with a purpose focused on what matters most
    • Build your self-esteem and fortify your self-confidence
    • Strive for excellence and attain peak-performance results
    • Create an undefeatable attitude that propels you to success
    • Leave your comfort zone and take constructive risks that pay off
    • Reduce stress, avoid burnout and build a healthy work-life balance

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Humorous | Motivational

    The world of work has become more challenging. With more work, fewer people, tighter budgets, and less time, such things as morale, energy, and attitude often take a hit. Negativity increases. Comments such as, “It won’t work here … We’ve always done it this way… and …That’s not my job” become more familiar.

    Indeed, work-life balance may seem more like a never-gonna-happen fantasy than an ever-present reality.

    The good news is you can create a positive workplace that is less stressful and more exciting … where satisfaction and fulfillment are the rule, not the exception. You can create a lifestyle that is relatively free of stress.

    You don’t have to feel stuck, helpless, overwhelmed or exhausted … even if your work schedule is highly demanding. And you don’t have to choose between your career and your family IF you apply the simple work-life balance strategies detailed in this program.

    Dr. Alan Zimmerman’s game-changing seminar offers real-world practical help that will energize you, boost your productivity, keep stress at bay, and put you in the driver’s seat of the job and life you’ve always wanted. And just so you know what to expect, you won’t be sitting back, listening to someone rehash what you’ve already heard and know. You’re going to get an interactive learning experience that’s powerful, eye-opening, and entertaining.


    • Break through the too much work-too little time dilemma
    • Renew and recharge yourself at any time in any circumstance
    • Turn negative gloom-and-doomers into positive can-do performers
    • Flush away factors hurting morale and productivity of individual contributors
    • Balance your personal-professional lives in the midst of increasing demands
    • Create a fun, high-energy workplace characterized by a truly positive attitude

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Humorous | Motivational


    • Why is it that some people accomplish so much while others accomplish so little? Several years of research reveal the answer. Take-charge champions have mastered 12 milestone strategies that ensure their success in every endeavor on and off the job.

      In this ground-breaking, transformational program, you will learn these 12 milestone strategies that have stood the test of time and have proven to work in all professions and industries. They’re easy to learn, and your take-it-back-home, take-it-to-the-bank, pull-through results will be so incredible that you’ll see this program as an investment that pays off for years and years.

      More specifically, day 1 of the “Journey” focuses on you, the individual. Whether you’re a leader, individual contributor, or a family member, you will learn the 6 milestones of personal excellence that nail down the results you’ve always wanted. You’ll learn how to be filled with confidence, be purpose driven, and goal achieving — all the time, without excuses. And you’ll learn how to stay positive, energized, and work-life balanced, no matter what is happening around you.

      Day 2 of the “Journey” focuses on the people in your professional and personal worlds … your coworkers, customers, friends, and even your family members. You will learn exactly what it takes to build respectful, engaged, cooperative relationships. And you will learn the communication and motivation skills that build teamwork and bring about peak performance … because these 6 milestone strategies work with everyone.

      Don’t expect a lot of fluff, theory, faddish buzzwords, or flavor-of-the-month training. Do expect, however, a highly interactive experience centered on the strategies that produce the results YOU want. Join with the hundreds of thousands of “Journey” graduates who declare, “This is the best, most valuable two days of education I’ve ever received. It is life changing and career-building!”

  • Testimonials
    Thumbs Up icon An icon of a thumbs up

    “I can’t thank you enough for speaking at our managers’ meeting. You were, without question, terric. As I listened, I could sense our managers were soaking up everything you had to say. Your words really hit home for them and impressed upon them the importance of keeping life in balance. You gave everyone a jump-start to a renewed life.”

    Safeway Greg Sparks
    Thumbs Up icon An icon of a thumbs up

    “Thanks so much for your superb presentation. What a way to wrap-up our meeting, and what a show-stopper for our group—as armed by the evaluations where you maxed out at the highest possible level. Our people went home, prepared for change and innovation in the more competitive and demanding marketplace. You struck a responsive chord with our group.”

    National Council of Famrer Cooperatives Donald Hanes
    Thumbs Up icon An icon of a thumbs up

    “Thanks so much for your superb presentation. What a way to wrap-up our meeting, and what a show-stopper for our group—as affirmed by the evaluations where you maxed out at the highest possible level. Our people went home, prepared for change and innovation in the more competitive and demanding marketplace. You struck a responsive chord with our group.”

    National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Donald H.
    Thumbs Up icon An icon of a thumbs up

    “I just finished reviewing the comment sheets and of all the presentations over the two-day conference, yours was the highest rated. Your talk was very insightful, and you clearly connected with the audience. We have had many handlers and growers tell us that your participation in the conference was a highlight.”

    Almond Board of California Heidi S.
    Thumbs Up icon An icon of a thumbs up

    “The true test of any presentation is its lasting impact on the audience. Based on the comments I have received, there is no doubt that your presentation passed the test with exceptional high marks. Without reservation, would highly recommend you to other potential clients who have a need to build morale and teamwork within their organizations.”

    Cenex Land O'Lakes Dennis G.
    Thumbs Up icon An icon of a thumbs up

    “This Was Best Training Ever... “I just want to thank you for the outstanding seminar. I have never received so much positive feedback from my sta. They said it was the best seminar they have ever attended. Your presentation techniques, incorporating interesting facts, humor, and audience interaction was extremely benecial. Please feel free to use me as reference if you so desire.”

    Western Dairyland James S.
    Thumbs Up icon An icon of a thumbs up

    “Positively Inuenced Our Bottom Line... “I believe with all my heart that your message made a dierence in improving our employees’ work environments, ultimately leading to a positive inuence for our bottom line. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, your vision, and your heart with this important group of Southern States leaders.”

    Southern States Daniel A.

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The true test of any presentation is its lasting impact on the audience. Based on the comments I have received, there is no doubt that your presentation passed the test with exceptional high marks. Without reservation, would highly recommend you to other potential clients who have a need to build morale and teamwork within their organizations.
Cenex Land O'Lakes Dennis G.